- flour
- oil
- nuts
- biscuits
- chocolate chips
- sugar
- salt
- raisins
- jam
- butter
- coconut
- cream
* Numbers from 1 to 20!!!!!
Unit 2:
- Tidy and untidy
- Confident and shy
- Active and lazy
- Friendly and unfriendly
- quiet and noisy
- kind and unkind
- beautiful and ugly
- brave and coward
- cheeky
- nervous and calm
- optimistic and pessimistic
- honest and unreliable
- intelligent and unintelligent
So, we continue with the same words for the spelling? Can we expect for new words in a near future?
This is the spelling for the first unit ( next Monday we will focus on these words and numbers from 1 to 20) As soon as we finish the unit we will include the new words =)