Spelling 4th

Unit 1:
  • flour
  • oil
  • nuts
  • biscuits
  • chocolate chips
  • sugar
  • salt
  • raisins
  • jam
  • butter
  • coconut
  • cream

* Numbers from 1 to 20!!!!!

Unit 2:

  1. Tidy and untidy
  2. Confident and shy
  3. Active and lazy
  4. Friendly and unfriendly
  5. quiet and noisy
  6. kind and unkind
  7. beautiful and ugly
  8. brave and coward
  9. cheeky
  10. nervous and calm
  11. optimistic and pessimistic
  12. honest and unreliable
  13. intelligent and unintelligent

2 comentarios:

  1. So, we continue with the same words for the spelling? Can we expect for new words in a near future?

  2. This is the spelling for the first unit ( next Monday we will focus on these words and numbers from 1 to 20) As soon as we finish the unit we will include the new words =)
